Friday, March 4, 2011


.. Hello to all my new followers!... Hope you stick around for the ride with me!... as you all know I'm new to this blogging thing!... So I was talking to my beautiful girl Ali about me having trouble coming up with posts!... so she gave me really good ideas!... now the question to all of you is.. What would you like to see in my blog?.. give me your opinion.. i would LOVE to know what you'll think!..


  1. I'd like to see what you think about concealers and what brands are good.

  2. ... I'm on it!... Thank you for your comment!...:0)

  3. How about what type of face cream is good for dry skin?

  4. ... Thats going to be a tough one cause I have oily skin!... but ill see what i can do!... thank you so much for your input..
